I want to share this with as many people who have dogs as possible who’s dogs may be experiencing what my dog was going through. I have a wonderful little Staffordshire terrier, she’s 11yrs old and up until fairly recently she has always been a very calm dog. September last year she suddenly started to […]
Tag: dellamarie
Dellamarie’s Malted Bread Loaf
I have always loved the idea of homemade bread, and the aroma it produces in your home is so inviting that I have played around with making my own bread for many many years now. I have done it all from homemade Irish Soda bread to the much more time consuming sourdoughs. Eventually I got […]
Dublin Eggs
The nutritious and versatile egg. A food staple of millions. How do you eat yours? There are so many recipes for eggs, boiled, fried, poached, baked etc and many recipe variations for these basic cooking approaches. Growing up my mam used to boil eggs for my dad and put them into a cup, mash them […]
The Ultimate Comfort Food – Chocolate Brownie
One of the most delicious & rewarding foods I believe has to be a rich dark sticky chocolate brownie! I don’t make them very often anymore since my children have flown the nest because I am at real danger of eating the whole pan myself! So, they have been consigned to times when we are […]
On Your Bike!
I haven’t been on a bike since July 1995! Long, long time ago! It was 2 months after the birth of my second daughter and I wanted to get back into being active so up on the bike I hopped. I went out on the busy road only to discover that in the year since […]
Stick With It!
A little while ago I wrote about learning a new language, the challenges, the discouragement, frustration and the slow progress I experienced along the way. The language, in particular, was Lithuanian, which is accepted as a very difficult language, and I can certainly attest to that! I am just back from another visit to Lithuania […]
Kefir Sourdough Starter & Bread Recipes
Sourdough bread is wonder! I love it! But I never managed to make my own because I just couldn’t master the making of the starter. It either wouldn’t ferment at all, or it would begin to ferment but with in a couple of days it would develop a pinkish skin on the top and I’d […]
Kefir: A fermented milk drink with a sour taste, made using a culture of yeasts and bacteria. (Oxford English Dictionary) Have you discovered this little gem yet? A good friend of mine, J, introduced me to it a few years back and I have been hooked on it ever since! J is somewhat of a […]
Empty Nest
Recently my last child left home. He isn’t my youngest and he isn’t a child anymore, he’s a bright young man with his life before him. One by one over the last 4 or 5 years all five of my children have flown the nest to make their own way in the world. Some left […]
Learning Another Language
I started learning a new language a few years ago. Lithuanian was the language of choice and I might say, not the easiest one to pick for a monolingual English speaker! I did manage to learn enough Irish and French in school to pass the exams, but I’m not at all able to hold any […]